Freedom from Reproach

Reproach is deprive someone for his right.reproach is any thing that don't make happy in life,enemies always put reproach in people life and marriage .It bring some backward among is mate ,friend ,family and neighbor A lot of people are in reproach and they don't know the way out it. Look inward in your life if there is reproach
Type of Reproach 
2.Sickness everyday,month and yearly
3.A child that give the parent problem
4.Your position in life and financial level
5.Not having the dream job
Jesus is the only powerful man that can remove reproach in the life of a man ,finance,education ,career, business and many more ,believe in Him to roll out your reproach.    
And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day. Josh 5:9 KJV
                                                             Prayer Point 
1. Every power that allow the enemies to make fun of me die in Jesus Christ name
2. Every house hold power that give the enemies legal ground to make fun of me die in Jesus Christ name
3. Oh LORD Jesus Christ clean all unexplained tears in my life ,career ,marriage ,business and children in Jesus Christ name
4. Any reproach assign to kill me power of Jesus Christ destroy them now in Jesus Christ name
5. Any reproach deprive me from my right and happiness die in Jesus Christ name
6. Every conclusion that consider me failure ,fail in every area of life in Jesus Christ name
7.Every social embarrassment in life and education die in Jesus Christ name
8.Lord free me from any reproach in my life in Jesus Christ name  


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